Christian Tithe Token
The first and only crypto currency dedicated to the investor and the following organizations with absolute transparency, abiding by all laws applicable. 10% of all sales transactions go to Veterans, Children and Homeless Americans.
Christian Bibles
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A fully decentralized token that is community driven token. We provide a secure and transparent platform for global humanitarian outreach. When you sell Christian Tithe Tokens (CTT), 10% is automatically tithed to our upcoming aid to assist Veterans(who made our country free)Children who will make our future and homeless Americans. Be a part of this life changing investment for yourself and your fellow man.
Helping Homeless Americans
Because there is a great need to first help our Veterans in need, but secondly, the many homeless registered Americans that survive on the streets with no assistance. As business progresses, we want to organize a literal team that will go into areas ridden with poverty and hopelessness. We want to give them hope again! Help Americans first! Then we can help other nations as well. Like airplane instructions tell us, put on your oxygen before trying to help someone else!
CTT will enable investors to support charities that are vested, with the possibility of financial benefits.
Deuteronomy 14:23: The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives.
Giving is the Reason for Living
Your tithes to these organizations are fully tax deductible.